2022-09-18 16:51:07 +02:00

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These are the steps to build all you need for the TP.


The building process requires CMake and MS Visual Studio. You may already have it installed on your machine since the opengl tp of last semester.

If it is not the case:

Setting up your working environment

  • create a folder tpTI where you will have all the dependencies and the sources of the tp. Please avoid paths containing spaces, weird characters or accents.

  • to make your life easier, set up an environment variable that refer to this location

    • from the prompt (cmd.exe) execute c:\Windows\System32\SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe

    • click Environment Variables... (Variables d'environnement...)

    • in User Variables for ... ( Variables utilisateur pour...) click New... and set a new variable named tpTIBasePath and set its value to the full path to the working directory, e.g. C:\Users\Simone\source\tpTI

    • once you set it, in order to be usable at command line you need to open a new session of prompt/powershell

    • if you open the session you can check it is working by running echo %tpTIBasePath% in command prompt (or $env:tpTIBasePath in powershell) This should display the whole path to tpTI.


OpenCV is a computer vision library that contains some of the algorithms we are using for image processing and pose estimation. To install it:

  • download the library from the repository

  • unzip the file into %tpTIBasePath% (a folder named opencv-3.4.13 should appear).

  • from %tpTIBasePath%\opencv-3.4.13 create a build directory (mkdir build)

  • from the terminal/prompt, go to %tpTIBasePath%\opencv-3.4.13\build and execute the following:


if you had a different version of VS installed (not the latest) you may need to adapt the string Visual Studio 16 2019 to your version: e.g. Visual Studio 15 2017, Visual Studio 14 2015, Visual Studio 12 2013 etc

  • then execute

    cmake --build . --config Release 

    and go grab a cup of coffee or a beverage of your choice ;-)

Setting up the runtime environment variables

The last step before start working on the TP is to set up the environment variables that allows the system to find the libraries you just installed/built.

  • from the prompt execute c:\Windows\System32\SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe

    • click Environment Variables... (Variables d'environnement...)

    • in User Variables for ... (Variables utilisateur pour...), select the variable Path and then click Edit...

    • add at the bottom of the list the following paths:

      • %tpTIBasePath%\opencv-\build\bin\Release