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We provide a set of custom nodes for ComfyUI that allow you to easily use some of Refiners' models and utilities in your ComfyUI workflows.
The nodes are published at https://registry.comfy.org/publishers/finegrain/nodes/comfyui-refiners.
1. Install python (>=3.10):
=== "Linux"
bash sudo apt install python3
=== "Windows"
powershell winget install -e --id Python.Python.3.11
2. Install git:
=== "Linux"
bash sudo apt install git
=== "Windows"
powershell winget install -e --id Git.Git
3. (Optional) Create a python virtual environment:
=== "Linux"
bash ~/Documents/comfy$ python -m venv .venv ~/Documents/comfy$ source .venv/bin/activate
=== "Windows"
powershell PS C:\Users\Laurent\Documents\comfy> python -m venv .venv PS C:\Users\Laurent\Documents\comfy> .\.venv\Scripts\activate
4. Install comfy-cli:
=== "Linux"
bash (.venv) ~/Documents/comfy$ pip install comfy-cli
=== "Windows"
powershell (.venv) PS C:\Users\Laurent\Documents\comfy> pip install comfy-cli
5. Install ComfyUI:
=== "Linux"
bash (.venv) ~/Documents/comfy$ comfy --here install
=== "Windows"
powershell (.venv) PS C:\Users\Laurent\Documents\comfy> comfy --here install
Comfy Registry (recommended)
1. Install the comfyui-refiners custom nodes:
=== "Linux"
bash (.venv) ~/Documents/comfy$ comfy node registry-install comfyui-refiners
=== "Windows"
powershell (.venv) PS C:\Users\Laurent\Documents\comfy> comfy node registry-install comfyui-refiners
2. Ensure that comfyui-refiners's dependencies are installed:
=== "Linux"
bash (.venv) ~/Documents/comfy$ pip install -r ./ComfyUI/custom_nodes/comfyui-refiners/requirements.txt
=== "Windows"
powershell (.venv) PS C:\Users\Laurent\Documents\comfy> pip install -r .\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\comfyui-refiners\requirements.txt
3. Start ComfyUI:
=== "Linux"
bash (.venv) ~/Documents/comfy$ comfy launch
=== "Windows"
powershell (.venv) PS C:\Users\Laurent\Documents\comfy> comfy launch
To manually install the nodes, you may alternatively do the following:
- Download an archive of the nodes by cliking the "Download Latest" button at https://registry.comfy.org/publishers/finegrain/nodes/comfyui-refiners, or by running the following command:
curl -o comfyui-refiners.zip https://storage.googleapis.com/comfy-registry/finegrain/comfyui-refiners/1.0.4/node.tar.gz
- Extract the archive to the
unzip -d custom_nodes/comfyui-refiners comfyui-refiners.zip
- Install the nodes' dependencies:
pip install -r custom_nodes/comfyui-refiners/requirements.txt
- Remove the (now useless) downloaded archive:
rm comfyui-refiners.zip