Here is a non-exhaustive list of my projects.
Most of them are in French 🇫🇷 🥖 🥐.
Making diffusion models go brrrr.
💾Fine-tuned a state of the art Deep Learning model (Mask R-CNN) to detect spherical markers in images for Photometric Stereophography calibration. Built using the Pytorch Lightning framework, exported to ONNX format, deployed to production in AliceVision and Meshroom with ONNXRuntime. This internship concluded with a small publication.
💾All my dotfiles for my nixOS systems (laptop + servers).
💾Using tools such as websocket, redis, docker, rtmp, mgba and gluing it all together with Python, we get a collaborative emulator inspired from TwitchPlaysPokemon.
💾Simple static website built with Franklin.jl.
💾 🌐Simple website built with the static site generator 11ty.js. Made with Nunjucks, SCSS, Javascript, Yarn and autodeployed with a GitLab pipeline.
💾 🌐Active member of my school's group computer association which provides many services to over 5,000 students in 6 schools each year.
💾 🌐Active member of my school's computer association which provides many services to over 1,000 students each year.
💾 🌐The Toulouse Hacking Convention (or THCon) is a cybersecurity conference that brings together hobbyists, professionals and researchers. Personnaly helped to set up and tear down the equipment for the 2 day event, also assisted in the hardware CTF organization after the event.
🌐Weekend dedicated to free software through hundreds of conferences, many workshops for experts and the general public. The event welcomed 1500 participants in 2019 and in 2022. Admission to the event was free. Personnaly helped with the "nix install party" at the event and promoted free software and introduced attendees to GNU+Linux.
🌐Git micro-training for the INP-net association, taught to ~50 students.
💾 📜Markdown micro-training for the INP-net association, taught to ~50 students.
💾 📜Git micro-training for the INP-net association, taught to ~30 students.
💾 📜Praticums in Julia about the fundamentals of reinforcement learning, implemented simple algorithms like the Value Iteration Algorithm (VIA) and the Policy Iteration Algorithm (PIA).
💾 📜Built in Python a Semi-Supervised Contrastive Learning model to classify animals.
💾 📜Studied and presented the Raft Consensus Algorithm and its implementations.
💾 📜Practicums in C to learn about parallel computing with OpenMPI.
💾 📜Praticums in Python about voice and music processing.
💾 📜Praticums in matlab about compression and streaming technologies. Mainly JPEG, JPEG-2000 and MPEG2.
💾Project in Python to control a virtual avatar from its camera. Used OpenPose and OpenCV.
💾Praticums in C++ about augmented reality technologies, using openGL to track a checkerboard and display a 3D model on top of it.
💾Praticums in matlab about computer vision, more precisely about detection of homologous points for matching, for mosaique stitching.
💾Praticums in matlab about inverse problems for 3D, implemted various methods like structure from motion (sfm), multiple view stereovision (mvs), shape from shading (sfs), photometric stereo (ps).
💾 📜A simple CNN image classifier, trained on a custom dataset, to recognize car models in Rocket League Sideswipe. Built using Python, Tensorflow, Keras and adb.
💾 📜Built a camera travelling system using B-splines and Slerps, in Minecraft by coding a Java plugin for SpigotMC.
💾 📜End of semester report on numerous practical works in Matlab. Wrote the report using Pluto.jl.
💾 📜Wrote a simple compiler, including the Lexical & Syntax analyzer, the Abstract Syntax Tree Generator, the Target Code Generator.
💾 📜Implementation of a basic shell program in C, capable of launching programs, piping their streams and sending them signals.
💾Studied (complicated) numerical optimization methods in Julia.
💾Implementation of an iterative algorithm in Ada to compute the pagerank of a given network as quickly and efficiently as possible.
💾 📜Studied Compartmental models in epidemiology using Julia and Graphs.
💾From an object oriented programming project in Java, a little 2D turn-based game inspired by a game under the same name by George Prosser.
💾 📜Built a minimal renderer using Java OpenGL (JOGL) and GLUT.
💾Applied image processing techniques, like k-means and meanshift, to images.
💾Inspired by r/place, this (poc) webapp allows several people to buy and sell pixels on a grid. Built using Wildfly, MariaDB, Docker, Gradle, J2EE and the REST principles.
💾Simulation of an internet ISP network, configuration of different servers for routing, NAT, DHCP, DNS, WEB, FTP...
Impact of a frequency selective propagation channel and introduction to equalization.
💾 📜Built a Tuple-Space in Java.
💾 📜Bunch of exercise, studied GLPK, Jump.jl, Dynamic Programming, Memoization...
💾Practicums in Matlab about color space representation, parametric modeling, and Bayesian classification. Exercises include analyzing color correlations, estimating model parameters, and classifying images of flowers.